
Busy Busy Busy… my mind always racing! I am that girl that has 1000 dreams – I want to take on the world in a day! I’m also that crazy girl that actually tries to do that from time to time…well let’s be real, that’s just not a feasible goal. So time after time (did I get that song stuck in your head now?!) I make a million and one goals and try to start them all at once…then after a little time I crash! So here I go again, this time with a smaller goal and then we’ll grow from there. Hopefully I’ve learned my lesson from falling all those times before – but you know what they say, “Success is continuing to get back up after failing”. My ultimate dream is to be a pro blogger /crafter/maybe some day a brick and mortar boutique owner… however that takes a lot of time, dedication, and hard work (note- I don’t want to just get to that dream, I want to be successful when I get there!). I’m taking on a new process – do five things a day – five “any” things that need (or that I want to be) completed in a day. You’ll understand why this what seems to be so little goal will make sense once you get to know me more in my “Meet the Blogger” post (so keep reading my posts!). So having started this blogging and crafting thing before and barely making it maybe two months before burning out and falling off the face of the earth, I set my first “let’s get started blogging” goal to commiting myself to write at least one post a week. I’ll leave this post with a thought that I quoted from one of my random self help readings: “If we simply just begin a task, we can become more motivated as the task is in action.” … hoping that energy and time comes in a bundle with that motivation!


P.S. I love to create a network so please share your tips, advice, and links to your blogs too!


These are my goals, my tasks, my challenges I set for myself:

1. Do five things a day, five “any” things.

2. Find one thing inspiring a day.

3. Write one blog post a week.